What is honeybee pollen?

Honeybee pollen is nature’s perfect food. There are 22 basic elements in the human body — enzymes, hormones, vitamins, amino acids and others — which must be renewed by nutrient intake. No one food contains them all except bee pollen.

Pollen Power - Local family operates successful organic honey operation

“How God has made everything in nature so perfect, if only we would utilize it more,” said Maria Wright, when asked to talk about her family’s beekeeping and honey harvesting business.

Dry Eye Syndrome: The undiagnosed affliction affecting millions

The symptoms are common: burning, sandy-gritty irritation or dryness. Although millions suffer from the disease, many don’t even know that they even have it. In fact, scientists estimate that 20 to 30 million people in the U.S. have some form of Dry Eye Syndrome. An additional nine to ten million people have moderate or severe symptoms of dry eyes.

Have you had a nutrition check-up recently?

Nutrition check-up
That’s right. Many Americans completely ignore this part of their health care regimen. You may be very good about seeing the doctor and taking your medication, but when it comes to nutrition and diet, you just don’t think much about it. Maybe you don’t know what to think about it. March is an excellent time to focus on nutrition, because it is National Nutrition Month.

Piedmont Fayette Hospital's Women's Imaging Center surpasses Quality Standards Act for the eighth year

Piedmont Fayette Hospital’s (PFH) Women’s Imaging Center has surpassed the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) for the eighth year in a row.

Pain free - A faulty indicator of health

Pain free x rays
The old “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!!” attitude has proven to cause devastating problems when it comes to joint health. I have often treated patients whose chief complaint is pain in one area of the body, such as low back, foot, arm or hand. During our evaluation, in addition to the primary complaint, we also find loss of flexibility and tenderness upon palpation of the neck. Two such cases have motivated me to write this article and share this information:

ACS launching CPS-3, a new cancer prevention study

The American Cancer Society’s Department of Epidemiology and Surveillance Research is beginning to enroll 500,000 adults across the United States for its Cancer Prevention Study-3 (CPS-3). This study will help the Society better understand the lifestyle, environmental, and genetic factors that cause or prevent cancer, and ultimately eliminate cancer as a major health concern for future generations.

Elder Care in Fayette County

As a resident of Fayette County I had an elderly aunt that needed care and now have a mother with Alzheimer’s. I have run the gamut of care situations and levels of care. The following information in entirely from what I have found and experienced in my own life while responsible for my older relatives.

ARC presents show about healthy living

The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) has released a new episode of The Shape of Things to Come – a quarterly, half-hour television show produced by ARC that examines issues, challenges and opportunities facing the Atlanta region.

Six steps to effective poison prevention

From a child's point of view, brightly colored bottles of detergent can look like Kool-Aid and shiny, round pills can look like candy. But because children are smaller and have faster metabolisms than adults, just a taste can be enough to make children ill, or even kill them.

Recording Family Histories Can Save Lives

Despite that fact that knowing your family’s medical history can save your life, most Americans remain in the dark. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Ga., only three in ten people record the health histories of their relatives. For women, the task of recording a family health history can be even more challenging.

PFH hosts Healthy Heart Fair

Three in four Georgians have at least two modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease, while one in ten has five or more modifiable risk factors. To educate the community on the risks of heart disease, Piedmont Fayette Hospital will host a free Healthy Heart Fair Saturday, Feb. 25, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Building 1279 at 1279 Highway 54 West, just west of the main hospital.

Grownups are kids, too

In many ways, adults are like big kids. I'm not suggesting that adults are childish, but that in many ways we never fully escape some of the same difficulties we experienced as children. Here are six things that I think we have in common with children.

DHR campaign aims to curb cancer

Georgians need to quit using tobacco, undergo routine health screenings, get physically active, and eat healthier, say health officials in response to a new report that shows a decline in cancer deaths in the U.S. These four messages, components of the Live Healthy Georgia campaign, all figure in the American Cancer Society’s Feb. 9 Cancer Facts & Figures Report, which shows the first actual decrease in cancer deaths in the U.S. in 70 years.

Richardson joins Health Concepts

Dr. V, the founder of Health Concepts in Fayetteville is pleased to announce the welcomed addition of Dr. Kelly J. Richardson.

Southern Regional celebrates American Heart Month

In conjunction with February’s designation as Heart Month by the American Heart Association, Southern Regional Health System once again brought the “the largest health fair in the State of Georgia” to Southlake Mall in Morrow. The fourth annual Heart of the Southern Crescent Health Fair Feb. 11 was a success as thousands of Valentine’s Day shoppers took time out to check out their health. Families were entertained by Southern Regional’s mascot, Dr. Wiszer. Radio Disney was also on hand with music, games and prizes for kids.

Heritage of Peachtree hosts Alternative Health Fair

Heritage of Peachtree Retirement and Assisted Living recently hosted an Alternative Health Fair. Participating vendors were local alternative health professionals.

Decline reported in U.S. cancer death rates for first time in 70 years

For the first time in more than 70 years, U.S. cancer death rates have dropped, the American Cancer Society reported today. There were 369 fewer cancer-related deaths in 2003, the latest year for which figures are available, than in 2002.

Check a box and give a buck (or more)

The Georgia Cancer Coalition is proud to announce that Georgians again have a unique opportunity to contribute to the fight against cancer – through the filing of your state income tax return.

Building new healthy habits

Woman eating apple
By Bob Grimson
Special to The Citizen

It’s been said that it only takes seven to 21 days to make a new habit. Here is a Top 10 list of healthy nutrition habits for adults that you can start. Even if you don’t do them all, it can still be a start toward a happier and healthier life.

Treat yourself to a healthy heart

By Bob Grimson
Special to The Citizen

Heart disease claims about one million lives in this country every year and is ranked as the leading cause of death for both men and women. Heart disease usually develops over time and there are several risk factors that contribute to the likelihood you’ll develop heart disease.

Battling high blood pressure

By Bob Grimson
Special to The Citizen

Blood pressure
High blood pressure or hypertension has no physical symptoms or signs. It’s a silent disease that’s easy to overlook and affects more than 25 percent of all Americans, which means you need to have yours checked on a regular basis.

Keeping stress in check

By Bob Grimson
Special to The Citizen

Stress is becoming more prevalent in all of our lives. If not dealt with properly, it can make your days miserable and spill over to affect those around you. Whatever the cause, there are proven ways to deal with your stress and keep it from taking over your life.

The power of the pyramid

By Bob Grimson
Special to The Citizen

Making small changes in how and what you eat can make a difference in how you feel. To help you make better food choices, the government just recently gave their food pyramid a makeover. The U.S. Department of Agriculture now suggests that you work toward a healthy diet, emphasizing whole-grain products, fruits, vegetables and dairy items.

Panel: TV should not market junk food to kids

SpongeBob SquarePants, Shrek and other characters kids love should promote only healthy food, a panel of scientists recommended.

Make exercise a family affair

Lifting weights
By Bob Grimson
Special to The Citizen

It’s important for parents to exercise, not just for themselves but to benefit their children as well. Children watch and learn from parents.

Just a little exercise goes a long way

By Bob Grimson
Special to The Citizen

Everyone knows that regular exercise is a major factor in improving your overall health. But what if you can’t find the time to go to the gym or attend an exercise class?

Zeroing in on a healthier Girl Scout cookie

As Girl Scouts around the nation start their annual cookie drive between now and early next year with new, healthier treats, customers will be asking if they still taste good.

Dining out and losing weight

By Bob Grimson
Special to The Citizen

Don’t think of restaurants as off-limits just because you’re watching your weight. A little preparation beforehand can help anyone on a weight-loss plan find the right foods in the right amounts when they eat out. Many restaurants are becoming more aware of diners’ preferences and are offering more healthy reduced-fat dishes.

Laugh, eat away stress

Q: What type of testing is available for stress, and what treatments are available?

A: There are clinical tests, lab tests and physical examinations, which will help physicians determine whether stress is seriously affecting a patient’s health. Unfortunately, there are many who do not recognize a spectrum of fatigue, but instead wait for a more classic disease such as Addison’s disease to occur. The subtle increments in poor health, or progressing disease, are often ignored.

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