Fayette eyes roundabout at Hwy. 92-Antioch Road


The Georgia Department of Transportation is proposing to undertake a study that could lead to a roundabout being built at the intersection of Ga. Highway 92 South and Antioch Road.

The proposal will be vetted Thursday night by the Fayette County Commission at its regular meeting, starting at 7 p.m. at the county’s Stonewall government complex in downtown Fayetteville.

GDOT officials have said if the commission is OK with it, GDOT would first conduct a study on the intersection.

If the study finds a roundabout is feasible, GDOT would then fund the design, right of way, utility relocation and construction costs, with the county picking up lighting and post-construction maintenance.

The utility cost is projected to be about $1,840 a year whereas the GDOT would be committing $1.2 million toward the project.

The roundabout is being considered as a safety improvement project.

In other business, the commission will decide on a proposal to spend $50,000 to extend a larger waterline for Camp Southern Ground on Ebenezer Church Road to accommodate future customers who are currently served by well water. If approved, the water system would notify homeowners along that portion of the road about the chance to tap into the system as the county will waive the normal $400 tap-in fee.

The commission will also discuss a proposal from Commissioner Allen McCarty to redefine the word “kennel” in the county’s code of ordinances so it will match the definition used by the state of Georgia.