

Joe and Dot Caron of Leomister, Mass., announce the engagement of their daughter, Marcia Caron, to John Besch, son of Ray and Teri Besch of Peachtree City.

The bride-to-be is a graduate of St. Bernard’s Central Catholic High School, Fitchburg, Mass.

After graduating in 2004 from Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa.,she completed her masters and doctorate in clinical psychology at Emory University, Atlanta. She is currently completing an internship in Aurora, Colo.

The groom-elect is the grandson of Bill and Peggy French of Niles, Mich. and the late Willard and Francesetta Besch also of Niles. He attended McIntosh High School and is a 1996 graduate of The Heritage School in Newnan. He received a degree in marketing from Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw. He is a manager for a major auto leasing company in Aurora, Colo.

After the April 10, 2010 wedding, the couple will reside in Aurora.