Way to go, Gabby, girl!


I just finished reading an article about Peachtree City’s own Gabby Seiler breaking Jeff Sheppard’s scoring record at McIntosh High. Because of the absurd tallness of most college and NBA players, i.e., approaching nine feet, I am not a basketball fan. I am however a fan of American women, and Gabby Seiler is indicative of the growing power of American women in our world today.

I have a picture on my hard drive of a C-5B cockpit crew, all young, attractive blonde women. The C-5B, for the few citizens in PTC who do not work for Delta Airlines, is the largest active duty military jet transport in the world.

This group of three young women fly that beast all over the world. This fact alone, plus the growing group of female fighter pilots in out military, must send waves of apoplexy through the Islamic Jihadists in our country and across the Pond.

Nothing would be more humiliating to them than to be blown to pieces by an American girl in an F-15 or an A-10 Warthog. This scenario has and continues to happen as I type.

Congratulations, Gabby, and all of our American women in sports, child-rearing, business, or those in harm’s way in some foreign cesspool.

Here’s hoping all the Bravo-Channel-watching, Obama-loving career girls in this country will someday have an “ah HA!” moment, and start thinking rationally.

I am aware that Gabby may indeed watch Bravo Channel, and possibly voted for Mr. Obama (that is OK). Welcome to America, and thanks for helping us stay strong.

G. Baldwin

Bar-band musician, and retiree

Peachtree City, Ga.