Fayette County Realtors rally at the Capitol to support home ownership


Thirty-five Realtors from Fayette County along with several members from the Midwest Georgia Home Builders Association were among hundreds who participated in the Georgia Realtors (GAR) Rally for Homeownership on the front steps of the Georgia Capitol building in January.

“We had a larger crowd than we originally expected, and the energy was amazing,” said Mary Watts, 2013 president. “It was inspiring to be a part of an event that promotes an issue that is so vital to the economy at every level.”

Governor Nathan Deal addressed the crowd, expressing his appreciation for realtors and their dedication to preserving homeownership in Georgia, despite the challenges of the recent economy. Other elected officials who spoke to the Realtors included David Shafer, Senate President Pro Tempore; Stacey Abrams, House Minority Leader; Rep. Roger Bruce of Atlanta; Rep. Virgil Flood of Tyrone; and Rep. Micah Gravely of Douglasville.

GAR’s 2013 President, Robin Lance of Savannah, conveyed the unity among the Realtors as she addressed the crowd at the podium.

“We join together today not as Republicans, Democrats, or Independents, but as Realtors representing 2.2 million homeowners in Georgia,” she said. “This group is completely dedicated to solving the housing crises in our state together.”

Local Realtors who participated in the GAR Rally for Homeownership include Mary Watts, Jeff Warlick, Mike Faulkner, Stephen Walker, Veronica Bangsboll, Michelle Johnson, Cindy Rampley, Ernie Curtis, Dot Bosworth, Dorrie Love, Joy Funk, Kay McInroe, Cheri Scranage, Anna Mathis, Malinda Shelley, Cherie Jolley, Johnny Bolton and Sherry Stone Blackmon.

Members from the Midwest Georgia HomeBuilders Association include Gloria Daniel, Scott Bradshaw, Sandy Boda, Karen Bradley, Sharon Thompson and Lonnie Williams.

After the rally was over, Realtors met with their local legislators to discuss important issues related to homeownership and private property rights.

Legislators Matt Ramsey and Ronnie Mabra came by for a few minutes to speak with those in attendance.

The Fayette County Board of Realtors (FCBR) is a professional trade association established in 1969 of over 400 licensed real estate brokers and salespersons engaged in all aspects of the real estate business. FCBR is the local advocate for the real estate industry in Fayette County, committed to protecting private property rights and free enterprise, maintaining ethical and professional standards and enhancing the public’s awareness and confidence in Realtors.

The Georgia Association of Realtors is a voluntary professional association of approximately 26,000 licensed real estate brokers and salespersons engaged in all aspects of the real estate business throughout Georgia.