Coweta employee charged in domestic incident


    Coweta County Convention and Visitors Bureau Director of Event Services Tray Baggarly is facing charges of simple battery in connection with a March 16 incident at his Senoia residence.

    According to an incident report from the Senoia Police Dept, an officer was dispatched to Baggarly’s residence in reference to a family violence dispute.

    The officer contacted a woman describing herself as Baggarly’s girlfriend who said she came to the residence to check on him. The woman said she entered the home and Baggarly cursed at her and told her to leave the house, according to reports.

    The woman said she told Baggarly she wanted to retrieve some of her belongings and those of their 13-month-old son whom she brought with her into the home. She said Baggarly got physical with her by “throwing her to the ground while she was holding their 13-month-old son,” police reports said.

    The woman told the officer she began throwing ceramic pots at Baggarly in an attempt to get away from him. She subsequently left the residence, locked herself and the child in her vehicle and called 911, according to reports.

    The report said the woman had fresh scratches on her right wrist, adding that the child was not injured.

    The officer spoke with Baggarly and was told he was in bed when the woman entered the home. She came into his room and “began going crazy throwing stuff and breaking items,” the report said.

    Baggarly said he was struck in the head but had no visible marks, the incident report said.

    Baggarly said he, too, called 911.

    The officer arrested Baggarly on charges of simple battery, according to reports.

    Coweta County spokesperson Patricia Palmer said Baggarly is currently on a leave of absence which he requested.