Headed for Camp Lutherock


Sixteen middle-school youth from Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church are spending June 9-15 at Camp Lutherock, which is on the south slope of Sugar Mountain near Boone, N.C. Their “Faith Alive!” week includes swimming, campfires, a low ropes course, many games, an outing in Pisgah Forest, and a crazy-costume dance, along with creative Bible study and worship experiences.

Four adults and one assistant counselor traveled with the group: Melissa Jacobson, director of middle school and family ministry, Pastors Fritz Wiese and Miriam Beecher, Scott Jacobson, and assistant counselor Reed Livingston. Lutherock counselors have been guides throughout the week; they are college students devoting their summer to outdoor ministry.

Shown from COS are (kneeling) Ansley Jacobson, Claire Avery, Morgan Wiese, Geena Burlew, Clara Comiskey; second row, (L-R), Melissa Jacobson, Carolyn Sanders, Emily McDonald, Mary Catherine Wood, Roger Callison, Davis Cover; back row, (L-R) Darren Mendes, Reed Livingston, Nolan Robichaux, Michael King, Alex Dohany, Elizabeth Wampler and Riley Scruggs. Photo/Special.