First Market Day of 2011 in Fayetteville Saturday


This Saturday, June 18 is the first Market Day event for 2011 and the marks the 4th year since its inception. Along with over 50 vendors, Fayetteville Main Street wants to welcome everyone to come out to the Gazebo in Downtown Fayetteville and browse through a variety of vendors showcasing their homemade and homegrown products.  Everything from jewelry, jellies, flowers, and birdhouses to organic vegetables are available for sale to the public.  The Market opens at 10 a.m. and will close at 2 p.m. 

Subsequent Market Days will be held on the third Saturday of every month, now through September, and on the fifth Saturday of October.

Any vendors wishing to participate in future Market Days should call 770-719-4173.

For info on other planned events in Downtown Fayetteville, please check the Main Street Event Calendar at