Coweta, Newnan unemployment on the rise in July


Unemployment numbers for Coweta County and Newnan shot up dramatically in July. Jobless numbers jumped by nearly half a point while the unemployment rate in the Three Rivers Commission area rose to more than 11 percent.

Coweta in July saw jobless numbers rise to 8.4 percent, up from the 8 percent rate in June. The unemployment rate in July 2012 was 9.3 percent.

Coweta’s jobless rate represents 5,474 people out of work in a workforce of 65,282.

The situation in Newnan was worse than that experienced by the county. The July rate in Newnan was 9.7 percent, up from 9.3 percent in June.

Unemployment saw a large jump in the 10-county Three Rivers Commission area in July. The rate jumped more than a point to 11.1 percent, up from 10 percent in June.

Statewide, the seasonally-adjusted jobless rate for July was 8.8 percent compared to an 8.5 percent rate in June and 9.1 percent rate a year ago.

Three Rivers had 240,971 people in the workforce in July and 26,842 of those were without jobs.

When viewed nationwide, Georgia’s seasonally-adjusted rate is well above the 7.4 percent national unemployment rate.

Jobless figures supplied by governments only tell part of the story. A part of that story deals with the number of people underemployed, those working part-time but seeking full-time employment. Nationwide, the underemployment numbers for July show 9.4 percent of workers in that category, according to Gallup.

Still another category deals with marginally-attached workers. Among the nation’s 2.4 million marginally-attached workers in July, 1.4 million had not searched for work in the past four weeks due to reasons such as school attendance and family responsibilities and another 988,000 had stopped looking for work because they believe there are no jobs available for them, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.