EMC stages annual meeting for members


    Coweta-Fayette EMC hosted approximately 3,000 consumers and family members for a morning of food, fun and prizes at the 67th Annual Meeting and Member Appreciation Day Oct. 11 at cooperative headquarters in Palmetto.

    In CEO Anthony “Tony” Sinclair’s speech, he said the Coweta-Fayette EMC has experienced significant growth since its formation in 1945—growing from a consumer-base of less than 700 accounts to over 76,000 today—but the commitment to service excellence provided at the cooperative’s inception has continued unchanged. “It all started with neighbors helping neighbors improve their quality of life by having access to electricity,” he said. “This way of doing business remains a constant for your co-op.”

    The event’s carnival-like festivities featured midway games, arts and crafts, EMC information stations, prize drawings, bingo, health screenings by Piedmont Newnan and Piedmont Fayette Hospitals and toe-tapping music from Alvarado Road Show. For attending the event, members received an insulated EMC picnic tote upon registration.

    Consumers of Coweta-Fayette EMC Natural Gas were entered into the running for a gas grill, and Relyco Security Resources (an EMC subsidiary) held a drawing for a year’s free security system monitoring. The grand prize for this year’s meeting was a $1,000 electric bill credit. In addition to these items, three lucky children received $25 gift cards.

    During the business meeting, James W. Fulton III, Ross Henry and Elwood Thompson were declared winners of the board election. The directors ran unopposed and will serve another three-year term.

    Coweta-Fayette EMC is a consumer-owned cooperative providing electricity and related services to 76,000 member accounts in Coweta, Fayette, Heard, South Fulton, Clayton, Spalding, Troup and Meriwether Counties.