Fayette students clean up 700 pounds of trash along Line Creek


The Adopt-a-Stream students from McIntosh High School and students from Sandy Creek High School’s Key Club combined one sunny Saturday morning recently and collected 700 pounds of trash along the course of Line Creek in western Fayette County.

The 65 volunteers were part of a Rivers Alive cleanup event sponsored by the Fayette County Environmental Management Department and the town of Tyrone. Rivers Alive is an annual volunteer waterway cleanup that targets all waterways in Georgia. This group picked up trash and debris along Line Creek.

In photo at right, students from McIntosh High include Chandler Birrell, Michael Carroll, Maria Furukawa, Chris Greco, Marina Haldopoulos, Daniel King, Julie Lim, Natasha McCluhan, Bennett Rissier, Andrew Russell, Jihoon Shin, Lauren Siegel, Brooke Wilson, and Lauren Wilson. Sandy Creek students included Vanessa Boone, Connor Dial, Kianna Picard, Sydney Bugg, Ellie Klarl, Peace Obi, Yesi Portillo, Julian Orozco, Victoria Parker, and Drew Darcy. Supervisors include Mike De Lisle, teacher volunteer, Mike Carroll, parent volunteer, and cheering them on, Tyrone Mayor Eric Dial. Photo/Special.
Cigarette butts abounded, more than 500 of them. Beverage containers, of course, plastic, glass and aluminum, along with food wrappers and plastic bags were among the most numerous items found.

Among other items of interest: an oil pan full of oil, a diesel oil filter, three tires, a cash box from a register (yes, it had been broken into), and 50 feet of water hose.

Said Mike DeLisle, “Rivers Alive cleanups are important because they allow individuals to make a visible difference to our natural areas. This results in cleaner water and an improved environment for wildlife and human health.”