Do you live with a Thanksgiving perspective?


A recent “Tiger” comic strip showed one little boy asking another, “What are you going to be thankful for this Thanksgiving?”

In the next panel, the boy answered, “I’m grateful I only have to think of things to be grateful for once a year.”

That’s some gratitude, isn’t it? A truly thankful person recognizes that every day is a gift and a daily opportunity to count our blessings and give thanks to God as we acknowledge Him as our source of blessings.

For some people, it’s easier to complain than it is to give thanks. Too often we gripe about what we don’t have instead of being grateful for what we do have. Someone said about Black Friday, the intense shopping day that follows Thanksgiving Day, “Only in America do people trample others for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have.”

Or, we complain about what all we have to do. A thankful person looks at life with a perspective of thanksgiving. Someone wrote,

I’m thankful for the spouse who hogs the covers every night, because he or she is home with me instead of out with someone else.

For the teenager who is not doing his chores, but is watching television, because that means he is home and not on the street.

For the mess to clean up after the social, because that means I have been surrounded by friends.

For the clothes that fit a little too snug, because that means I have enough food to eat.

For the lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need repairing, for that means I have a roof over my head.

For all the complaining I hear about the government, for that means I have freedom of speech.

For the taxes I pay, for that means I am employed.

For the huge heating bill, for that means I am warm.

For the faraway parking spot, for that means I am capable of walking and have transportation.

For the lady behind me that sings off key, for that means I can hear.

For the pile of laundry and ironing, for that means I have clothes to wear.

For the weariness and aching of muscles at the end of the day, for that means I have been working hard and am capable of hard work.

For the alarm that goes off in the morning, because that means I am alive and can get out of bed in the morning and have been given the gift of another day.

As we come to Thanksgiving Day, 2012, I’m thankful for:

• The love of God and the Gift He gave;

• Jesus’ nail-scarred hands and the empty tomb;

• Another year of marriage to a very lovely, talented lady;

• That God is faithful and sovereign even when this nation seems to be falling apart;

• A church family who loves me and has allowed me to be their pastor for 13 years;

• Gaining a beautiful daughter-in-law this year;

• That her husband, my son, got a good job;

•That my 18-month-old granddaughter lives only eight hours away and not 18 hours away;

• That my granddaughter says Grand-dada and blows kisses;

• A phone message that says, “David, this is your mother just checking in”;

• My mom’s good health;

• A brother’s reunion weekend long overdue, but greatly enjoyed;

• Hearing from friends from long ago who communicate out of the blue;

• That the Braves made the play-offs, sorta;

• That the Bulldogs are going to the SEC championship game again;

• That Texas A&M whupped Alabama;

 • Wings and southern barbecue;

 • Skype;

 • Our military men and women;

• North Georgia apples and fresh strawberries picked myself.

The Bible says, “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good” (Psalm 106:1).


Dr. David L. Chancey is pastor, McDonough Road Baptist Church, Fayetteville, Ga. The church family gathers at 352 McDonough Road and invites you to join them this Sunday for Bible study at 9:45 a.m. and worship at 10:55 a.m. Visit them on the web at