Chili challenge time


One of my favorite events of the year returns this weekend. The Line Creek Civitan Great Chili Challenge will take place Saturday, Nov. 10 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at Shakerag Knoll (you know, right by “The Fred”) and will feature raffles, entertainment and a silent auction as well as a whole lot of chili.

Why do I like this event so much? Well, first off, I love chili and the entries at this annual event are exceptional and unique. I started attending this event way back when it was at the parking lot by the Y-Knot and kept going when it ended up at Shakerag. Each visitor is given a spoon and a ballot and I take my voting seriously. Maybe that’s why they eventually asked me to be a judge. I’ve been a judge of the competition for the last few years and have enjoyed the blind taste testing as much as, if not more than, wandering around and trying some from each booth.

There’s not much of a break as the different chili samples come around, but it has made me a bit of a connoisseur. I appreciate a chili that has more than just meat and beans and while I like it spicy, I don’t want my tongue burned off. The thing I look for most is something that makes the chili special. It could be a spice, a vegetable or a meat but, for me, a chili needs the “it” factor and every year I find one and am always pleasantly surprised.

The second reason I love this event is because I really like The Line Creek Civitans organization. It is hard to argue with any civic group that gives of their time and supports people in need. The net proceeds from the Chili Challenge will support local community charities and Civitan projects that work to improve the lives of children and adults with developmental disabilities. The proceeds from this event supports programs and organizations in Peachtree City and our surrounding communities include the Sams School, the American Cancer Society’s “Relay for Life”, Special Olympics, Special People of Fayette County, Christian City, Southwest Christian Care, and more.

If I can do anything to help the Line Creek Civitans or their event, I am glad to do it and that’s why I’ll use this soapbox that I have at The Citizen to urge you to attend The Great Chili Challenge on Saturday. It is expected to be a sunny day with a high temperature of 69 degrees. Come check out all of the colorful booths, try lots of different chilis, vote for your favorite one, enjoy the entertainment and support a good organization that always puts on a top notch event.