Forum to address teen issues


Teenagers and their parents are invited to attend a free Juvenile Justice forum in Fayetteville Tuesday, April 27.

Former DeKalb prosecutor J. Tom Morgan will share information about issues teens face everyday which can be considered a crime but often go unknown or acknowledged, organizers said.

The topics covered may range from cyber-bullying to illicit text messages, gang behavior, sexual harassment, drug use and more, organizers said.
Morgan will be joined by a panel of Fayette County educators and law enforcement officers from the Peachtree City and Fayetteville police departments and the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office.

The program will take place at Sams Auditorium in the LaFayette Educational Center, otherwise known as the old Fayette County High School.

Morgan is the author of “Ignorance Is No Defense, A Teenager’s Guide to Georgia Law.” The book was designed to present Georgia laws in a readable, informative manner using real-life examples.

The forum is sponsored by the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Fayette County Schools, the Association of Village PRIDE, Inc. and local law enforcement agencies.