Peachtree City UPDATES – Week of November 21, 2011


Council meets Thursday, Pearl Harbor Remembrance and Hometown Holiday Saturday, applicants needed for volunteer boards, and two chances to help make the holidays brighter (Police Department “Light Up The Night” and Fire Department “Santa Run”

Peachtree City Council Meets Thursday – Tree Removal, Variance
The Peachtree City Mayor & Council will meet on Thursday, December 1, 7:00 p.m., in City Council chambers. The public is welcome to attend, and the meeting will be broadcast live and available on demand at The agenda includes amendments to the Land Development Ordinance Regarding the Tree Removal Permit Process, Public Hearings street names (old Rockaway Road and Kedron Fieldhouse Lane) and for a variance to allow a covered screened porch in the rear building setback at 110 Lanyard Bend. Council will also discuss a request by Kroger to adopt alcohol ordinance amendments that would allow in-store wine tasting events. The complete agenda and packet are available at

Remembering Pearl Harbor
The Commemorative Air Force Dixie Wing, based in Peachtree City, will host the fourth annual Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day on Sunday, December 4, from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., at its Historical Air Power Facility at 1200 Echo Court. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and a member of the Pearl Harbor Survivor’s Association is scheduled to attend as the guest speaker. The association is scheduled to stand down after this year due to the age of the members. Of the 16 million Americans who served in WWII, only 1.5 million are with us today. This event is free, and the public is welcome.

Celebrate the Holidays with Hometown Holiday in Peachtree City this Saturday
Gather family and friends and start your holiday season with the annual Hometown Holiday event in Peachtree City on Saturday, December 3. The evening will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a musical program at The Fred, followed by the “Trail of Lights” at 7:00 p.m. led by Santa Claus in a decorated red golf cart d along the east shore of Lake Peachtree to City Hall Plaza. City Manager, Dr. James L. Pennington, will light the Grand Christmas Tree and Santa will be available to hear Christmas wishes from all the children.

This year “Photos with Santa” will be offered for a nominal fee of $1. Remember to bring lawn chairs or blankets as no seating is provided. For questions or more information, visit

Volunteers Needed! – Apply by December 9 for Peachtree City Airport, Sewer, Recreation, or CVB Board
Peachtree City is seeking volunteers for upcoming seats on several Council-appointed boards, including the Peachtree City Airport Authority, the Peachtree City Water & Sewerage Authority, the Peachtree City Recreation & Special Events Advisory Board, and the Peachtree City Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB). The CVB is specifically seeking a local retail business owner or manager and a local hotel owner or operator, both for two-year terms. All other boards are open to residents who have lived in Peachtree City for six months or longer. Applications are available under the Volunteer section at and are due to City Hall by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 9.

“Light up the Night” Toy Drive 2011
The PTC Police Department is pleased will kick off the 2011 “Light up the Night” toy drive to help to ensure that local families in need can have a very joyous holiday. This year, department is partnering with the Fayette Chapter of Toys for Tots and the Angel Tree Project with the Fayette Holiday Helpers.

Together, these organizations should help to make this a banner year for collections in our area.
Please donate new, unwrapped toys for both girls and boys. The age range should be from 2 years until 17 years of age. In lieu of toys, monetary donations can also be made either at one of the donation drop off or at the Police Department. Toy collections will also take place at:

Thursday, December 1 PTC Target 4:00 – 8:00 p.m
Saturday, December 3 PTC Wal-Mart 4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 4 The Avenue PTC 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 6 PTC Target 4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Friday, December 8 PTC Target 4:00 – 8:00 p.m
Saturday, December 10 PTC Wal-Mart Noon – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 11 The Avenue PTC 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

For more information on locations and/or donations please contact Captain Stan Pye at 770-487-8866 ext. 1303.

Santa Claus is Coming to Peachtree City – on a Firetruck!
Peachtree City Fire/Rescue will be bringing Santa Claus to visit Peachtree City neighborhoods on a fire truck during the first three weekends in December. As part of his visit, Santa and his helpers (the PTC Volunteer Firefighter Association, U.S Marines Corps Reserve, Kiwanis Optimist Clubs of PTC ) will be picking up “Toys for Tots” donations and non-perishable food donations for local families in need.

The approximate schedule of dates for Santa is:

Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Sundays, 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Saturday, December 3 – Maple Shade, Country Downs, Crabapple Woods, Ardenlee, Sagamore, Belvedere, The Retreat (Kedron Dr.), Georgian Park Condominiums, Newgate Road, St. Simons Cove, Albermarle, Sutton’s Cove, The Point On Lake Kedron, Larkin’s Landing, Cottage Grove, The Retreat (Georgian Park), Kedron Hills, North Cove, North Hill, Smoke Rise Plantation, Pennisula, Stoneybrook, North Peachtree Estates, Parkway Estates, Interlochen, Greer’s Mountain, Southern Trace, Governors Square, Lexington Park

Sunday, December 4 – Ridgelake, Dover Square, Tinsley Mill Village, The Arbors, The Coventry, Ashford Park, St. Andrew’s Square, Golfview, Country Club Ct., Central Park, Rosemount, Greensway, The Highlands, Gables Court, Stevens Forest, Hunters Glen, Glenloch, Fetlock Meadows, Belle Grove II, Overlook, Belle Grove I, Fernwood, Windgate Forest, Avalon Park, Whitfield Farms, Robinson Woods Estates, Robinson Court

Saturday, December 10 – Blue Smoke Trail, Rolling Green, Spooner Ridge, Bellenden, Windalier Ridge, Southern Shore, Emerling Grove, Stoneacre, Mellington Lane, Fielding Ridge, Santolina Park, The Heritage, Honeysuckle Ridge, Bridgewater, Shirewood Park, Capstone, Pinegate, Cobblestone Creek, Stillwater, Wisdom Road, Wisdom Woods, Preston Chase, Woodsmill, Fairfield, Blueberry Hill

Sunday, December 11 – Wynmeade, Chadsworth at Ashton Reserve, Centennial, Summit Apartments, Cedarcroft, Planterra Ridge, Clover Reach, Lake Peachtree, Lakewood, Sweetwater Oaks, Lake Forest Cove, Spyglass Hill, Fishers Bank, Lakeside, Edgewater, Piney Knoll

Saturday, December 17 – Village Park, Concorde Village, Balmoral Village, Fairways, Cypress Point, Masters Square, Hampton’s Corner, Calgary Place, Muirfield, Morallion Hills, Evian, Pleasance Grove, Tamerlane, Waterford Green, The Colonade, Kenton Place, The Rubicon, Bedford Park, Foreston Place, Wilshire Estates, The Preserve, Ashton Park, Oakdale, Kimmeridge, Crescent Oak, Huntington Place, The Oaks, The Estates, Village On The Green

Sunday, December 18 – Camp Creek Estates, Groveland, Sawmill Trace, Shadowood, Sandown Creek, Lake Forest Glen, McIntosh Corner, Center Green, Braelinn Court, Peachtree Club, Braelinn Green, Ridgefield, Glen Clarin, Brookfield, Treillage, The Terraces, Peachtree Walk, Wickerhill, Everhill, Chestnut Field, Burnham Woods, Tapestry, Wedgewood, Bradford Estates, Robinson’s Bend Estates, Creekside Crossing, The Mark’s North, The Mark’s South, The Summit, Rockspray, The Retreat, Summer Brook, Timberlay, Meadow Run, Prestwick

Project Updates:

Highway 74 South Construction/Widening – The Georgia Department of Transportation advises that the Highway 74 South construction is nearly complete, with some miscellaneous grading and striping required and work on the traffic signals. The project remains on track for completion by the end of December 2011.

Library Lower Level Entrance – Repairs are nearly complete on the stairwell tower and the lower level entrance should be open by Monday, November 28.

Don’t Forget . . .

Toys for Tots Collection – Now through December 18 – Peachtree City has Toys For Tots collection boxes at all fire stations, the Peachtree City Library, City Hall, Planning & Building Department, The Gathering Place, and Kedron Fieldhouse and Aquatic Center. Drop off a new, unwrapped toy (no glass toys or toy guns, please). A complete list of toy collection sites, volunteer opportunities, and requests for assistance can be found at You can also make monetary donations at that website or mail checks payable to Toys for Tots to 1029 Peachtree Pkwy N, Suite 133, PTC GA 30269. Monetary donations are used to purchase toys for local children. Requests for assistance can be made on the website and will be closed on December 9 so the toys can be delivered before Christmas.

Dog Park Free Admission – Now through January 1. The PTC Dog Park is located at 191 McIntosh Tr. behind the BMX Track and is normally a pay to use park. Open daily from dawn until dusk. For park rules and more information, please go to

Friends of the Library Budget Meeting – Thursday, December 1. The Friends of the Peachtree City Library will meet at the PTC Library on Thursday, December 1, at 7:00 p.m. to review the budget for 2012. Prospective members are invited to attend.

Oak Grove Elementary School Holiday Celebration – Saturday, December 3, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., at Oak Grove Elementary School. The public is welcome to enjoy over 40 vendors, student performances, kids corner, basket and silent auction, cookies and cocoa with Santa.

Hometown Holiday – Saturday, December 3. The festivities begin at 6:00 p.m. at The Fred amphitheater, with holiday performances by Twilight Theater, Legacy Theater, and the Peachtree Wind Ensemble. At 7:00 p.m., the Trail of Lights golf cart procession, led by Santa, sets off for City Hall. Then join Santa for the Tree Lighting Ceremony at City Hall and the Library Plaza at 7:30 p.m.

Pearl Harbor Day Remembrance – Sunday, December 4, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., at the Commemorative Air Force Dixie Wing Facility, 1200 Echo Court. The fourth annual Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day commemorates the 70th anniversary of the attack. A member of the Pearl Harbor Survivor’s Association is scheduled to be the guest speaker. The event is free.

Sunday Alcohol Package Sales Allowed – starts Sunday, December 4, 12:30 p.m. Approved by Peachtree City voters in the November 8 Municipal Election.

Meet the Author: Phillip DePoy – Sunday, December 4, 1:30 p.m., at the Peachtree City Library. DePoy will discuss A Corpse’s Nightmare, the sixth in his acclaimed Fever Devlin mystery series. Refreshments will be provided.

Peachtree City Water & Sewerage Authority Regular Meeting – Monday, December 5, 6:30 p.m., at the WASA offices at 1127 Hwy. 74 South. The public is welcome.