PTC buys 7 new police cars for fleet


Peachtree City will be getting new police cruisers after a $199,290 bid was approved for seven new Chevy Caprice models last week.

The low bid came from Brannen Motor Company, who underbid the state contract holder by nearly $800 per vehicle. It was unanimously approved last week by the Peachtree City Council.

The city expects to spend another $196,000 equipping the seven new cars with video cameras, radios, graphics and other aftermarket accessories. The other accessories including emergency lights, sirens, prisoner cages, radars, gun mounts and a push bumper.

The new cars are needed to replace vehicles that are nearing the 100,000 mile mark on their total mileage, which is the industry standard for replacing police cruisers which receive heavy-duty use over substantial periods of time.

The new patrol cars will replace six 2007-model Ford Crown Victoria models and one 2008 Ford Crown Victoria, all of which will be outsourced to other city departments or sold at auction, city officials have indicated.