Seeing cops through race-colored glasses


In response to David Browning, “How could cop shoot unarmed man 6 times?”


Just like the two East Point, Ga., officers tazed a man they caught up with after chasing him down. A man who was unarmed, out of breath, sitting on the ground, fully winded and presenting no immediate danger to the two officers. Yet they tazed [shocked]this partially incapacitated man so many times he died.

How could two cops taze an unarmed man so many times he died?

I guess Mr. Browning thinks only white policemen are capable of using excessive force … and as usual … only against a black person. So I guess Mr. Browning must’ve skimmed through that section of Terry Garlock’s op-ed.

The section that made mention of these two black East Point policemen who tazed to death a winded and incapacitated black man who was sitting on the ground.

The point to all this? Personal deadly violence against fellow human beings knows no racial bounds. It is the media and race hucksters that help whip it into something it is not.

Cops are supposed to be trained not to succumb to their human fears, anger and even prejudices … but they are human … and they do. And that is how “an unarmed citizen was shot at at least six times and killed by a police officer.”

Just like an unarmed citizen was tazed to death by two police officers. It’s been going on since Cain killed Abel.

Had an interesting experience in another mid-western city, Columbus, Ohio, on a business trip and out for a walk. I witnessed an auto accident: Classic “t-bone” wreck. The person at fault was obvious; they turned left in front of oncoming traffic. A mid-size late-model Caddy against the turning compact Toyota. Man in the Caddy was fine … blood pressure up a couple notches for sure … confirmed by his angry tirade and the ease with which he got out of his car.

Condition of the Toyota driver was in question. I headed for the Toyota. A young man got to the Toyota before me and checked on the young driver, probably an Ohio State coed. She was white; so was he. He got to her first, pulled a cell, got the 911 off. The man in the Caddy was black and still verbally upset, and I could agree with him.

I stood on the corner, just feet from the scene. I was ready to leave, things looked well in hand. This was a mixed race area. A black man ambled up next to me, but not to go out and render any help.

No. This man came and stood on the corner and started stirring the “racial stew pot.” Shouting inflammatory, racially-tinged remarks at how the white girl was getting the attention but the “brother” was not. People began to gather. I stayed and watched, hoping this wasn’t going to turn into a mob scene; the crowd was small and racially mixed.

The black man on the corner continued with his racially tinged diatribe, offering no help. Fortunately a fire department ambulance and pumper truck quickly arrived, followed by a CPD police cruiser.

And then this low-life shuts up and melts into the crowd. You really just have to wonder sometimes …

Mike Mahoney
Fayetteville, Ga.