Thrift Shop helps out charities


The Fayette Thrift Shop recently celebrated its 24th annual Volunteer Appreciation Brunch.

The shop is staffed by volunteers and is nonprofit with net proceeds benefiting Bloom”changing the face of foster children ” and Promise Place …”where domestic violence ends.”
August 31 ended the fiscal year and it was the biggest year ever with each charity receiving $50,000 each. “Considering the square footage of the shop this is an extraordinary accomplishment,” said Rosemary McIntire, board president.

The shop’s volunteers and board members all worked very hard to reach this year’s goals.

All were met and exceeded. Thanks to the generosity of many the shop was also able to purchase a much needed truck by ways of a golf-a-thon fund raiser. This vehicle is used daily for storage, transportation and advertising.

None of this could have been accomplished without the dedication and hard work of the volunteers! The volunteers spend countless hours working at the shop; sorting, folding, marking the inventory, collecting donations and making our shoppers feel welcomed and appreciated.

“Our patrons and donors love the great values they find and like giving because our charities offer shelter to abused and battered children and adults” said McIntire. Many of the volunteers have been involved with the shop since the doors opened in 1990.