LEGO regionals


The First LEGO League (FLL) Super Regionals are once again returning to Clayton State University.

 This year’s version of the popular competition for regional, young STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) whizzes ages 9 to 14 will be an all-day event held in Clayton State’s James M. Baker University Center on Saturday, Jan. 10, once again under the sponsorship of the College of Information and Mathematical Science (CIMS).

Directing the program will be Assistant Professor of Mathematics Dr. Scott Bailey. The public is welcome to attend, free of charge. The competition will be the Championship Qualifying Round for 32 teams of regionally-local students.

The FLL competition has three parts: the robot game, the project and the core values.

The top teams from the six super regionals in Georgia will advance to the state competition in late January.

As always, the FLL competition will also highlight student understanding of the STEM disciplines with a focus on computer science and robotics, as well as a common civility through teamwork, core values, basic research methods, scholarly competition and having fun.

Most years, FLL asks teams to identify a problem, last year’s being “Nature’s Fury.”

For 2015, FLL has asked teams to identify an FLL World Class Question instead.

Each team’s solution should improve the learning experience for the topic chosen by that team.

 For more information on the FLL Super Regionals, go to Bailey’s web page at

The 2014 competition drew more than 600 individuals, in addition to the 32 local teams, despite a tornado watch on the day of the competition.