Ross: Fayette Vision not a one-man show


We’d like to amplify/clarify a few points in The Citizen newspaper’s Dec. 31, 2014 article, “Fayette Vision goal: Attract Millennials, emulate TN county.”

Several years ago, key members of a former planning effort, Fayette ‘93, realized the need for updating that successful program; their foresight and initiative combined with broad input from hundreds of local residents, a consulting partner, and 40-member Steering Committee, brought the Fayette Visioning Initiative (FVI) to where it is today.

The program is an on-going effort by a large, inclusive group of citizens who cherish our community and volunteer countless hours towards improving it. We continue to look for successful solutions in and out of Georgia, but the goals, efforts, and results will be unique to Fayette County, its individual jurisdictions, and citizens.

Following adoption of the vision this summer, the Steering Committee transitioned to an Implementation Committee that shall continue to seek public participation to implement the plan’s four primary focus areas: education, economic development, community, and place.

To date, a broad array of donors has generously contributed financially and with in-kind products and services; local governments have provided about 25 percent of financial revenues, with the rest coming from large and small businesses, individuals, and a very generous donation by a church.

In the future, we believe it will help our purpose to form a not-for-profit corporation that can accept grants and donations that donors can deduct as charitable contributions.

Our ultimate goal is to continue building Fayette County using collaborative and inclusive leadership that elevates education, economic development, employment opportunities, and quality of life, to unrivaled heights.

You can learn more about this exciting, vital effort at, where citizens can also volunteer to support their passion for excellence in Fayette County.

Co-Chairs Larris Marks, Trey Ragsdale, and Bob Ross
Fayetteville, Ga.