Community asked for help in locating missing man

Charles Martin
Charles Martin


The Fayette County Sheriff’s Office is asking for the community’s help in locating an elderly Fayette County man last seen on Sept. 2.

Sheriff Barry Babb said the community’s help is requested in locating Charles Martin, an elderly man described at white, 5’11” tall and weighing approximately 170 pounds.

Babb said Martin was last seen on Sept. 2 by family members at his Fayette County home near New Hope Road, north of Fayetteville.

A U.S. veteran, Martin suffers from mental impairment and needs to be located as soon as possible, Babb noted.

Investigators believe Martin is attempting to get to Pensacola, Fl., and are working with authorities there to locate him.

Anyone with information on Martin’s whereabouts is asked to contact the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office at 770-461-6353.